Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

APP Sustainability Roadmap (video)

Based on my experience of visiting one of APP (Asian Pulp and Paper) subsidiary companies in Perawang, Riau, Indonesia, named IKPP (Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper). APP is one of the largest pulp and paper companies in the world and PT.IKPP Perawang as APP's largest pulp mill in Indonesia and China (wikipedia).  I'm interested to know more about this company, while I was browsing on youtube and I found these videos. The videos show us about some related programs of APP company  for the next couple years, as you can see below :
From the video above, we can take some points about APP goals in running the sustainability roadmap 2020, as follows:
1. Fiber Sourcing : 100 % verification and pulpwood legality, sustainable forest management, etc.
2. Emissions : reduce the impact of air emission and water effluent
3. Solid waste : reduce solid waste to landfill
4. Water management : improve management of water use
5. Reforestation : support the national target for reforesting degraded land
6. Conservation and Biodiversity : support the national target to preserve protected and conservation areas
7. Climate change : reduce carbon emissions in APP millsin line with the national target
8. Human rights : ensure that APP's and its suppliers' operations are in line with national and international standard of human rights
9. Employee welfare : provide a healthy and safe work environment for APP employees, maintain employee satisfaction
10. Community Empowerment and welfare : improve procedure for community engagement and conflict resolution in APP mills
11.Indigenous people :  adopt international guidelines for the protection of indigenous people's customary rights in the forest

After reading the points above, I have enough understanding about some future goals designed by this company. I think APP have some better steps to make it work, and I haven't known it before I get detail information about the roadmap. So, I can't explain more for this time.

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