Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Midnight blogging

Okay, maybe it is not the best time for such an activity because almost of the people are currently sleeping right now. I don't even know why I woke up so early.. It's 02.26 a.m now on my watch, and  it's raining outside. Actually I want to fall asleep again, and go sleeping so I can save my energy for tomorrow. 

But it seems my eyes still keep working in front of this notebook, and let me tell you a story about a few days ago. 'Lebaran' or Eid-ul Fitri means so much for everyone who claims himself/herself as a moslem. I think everyone is trying to let all their sadness go away in these special days, because we can meet our family, our friends, our relatives, cousins/nephew, aunt/uncle, except there is no one who care about you. But I think as a moslem, we should care about the people around us, so I hope there will be no sadness and tears anymore. Alhamdulillah in this year, I can spend my days during eid-ul fitri with my parents, my sisters, and my friends. It's so glad to have a quality time with them.

As usual, every 'lebaran day' in my family, we perform prayers (sholat ied) together in the morning, and then we go back to home, we forgive each other, after that we eat 'lontong/ketupat' together. It's so meaningful in eid-ul fitri when we can have such a priceless time in the special day. Then we usually go to my aunt's home or getting some guests in our home.

In eid day, it has not completed without cake/cookies/snack to welcome the guests. There are various kind of cakes/cookies in my home made by my mother, so the people who come can feel more excited. It's like a culture in Indonesia, because there is no specific agreement or manuscript and even obligation that requires you to make the cakes/cookies/snacks. So, it's just the way to treat your guests well and feel comfort together for a long conversation. 

Just keep in touch, and see ya !  :)

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H

Dengan ini saya yang belum berkeluarga ini mengucapkan,


Semoga kita dapat dipertemukan kembali pada bulan Ramadhan yang indah di tahun mendatang

:) :) :) :)

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Mengenal dunia kontruksi bangunan pada lahan gambut

Awalnya saya melihat bahwa di Sumatra pada umumnya dan Riau khususnya banyak terdapat lahan gambut, dimana lahan gambut itu sendiri terbentuk dari akumulasi sisa-sisa tumbuhan yang setengah membusuk. Umumnya dikatakan sebagai gambut apabila kandungan bahan organik dalam tanah melebihi 30 %, akan tetapi di Indonesia sendiri biasanya memiliki kandungan bahan organik melebihi 65% dan kedalamannya melebihi 50cm (wikipedia). Semakin tebal lapisan gambutnya, maka semakin besar penurunan yang mungkin terjadi. Sebagai bahan organik, gambut juga bahkan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi.

(sumber : wikipedia)

Sifat dari tanah gambut itu sendiri lunak dan mudah ditekan, sehingga jika dikaitkan dengan konstruksi bangunan yang berada di atas lahan gambut, maka dikhawatirkan akan terjadi kegagalan konstruksi dimana pondasi bangunan tersebut nantinya tidak cukup kuat menahan beban bangunan keseluruhan akibat daya dukung yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana untuk menindaklajutinya ? Hal inilah yang lalu coba saya cari tau meski sumber dan informasi terbatas.

Bangunan itu sendiri terdiri dari beberapa komponen seperti pondasi, kolom, balok, pelat, dan atap. Pelat berfungsi untuk penyalur beban hidup dan mati yang bekerja pada bangunan kepada balok atau kolom. Balok berfungsi untuk menyalurkan beban yang diterima oleh pelat kepada kolom. Kolom berfungsi untuk menyalurkan beban dari pelat atau balok ke pondasi. Dan pondasi itu sendiri merupakan elemen yang berhubungan langsung dengan tanah yang berfungsi sebagai pemikul beban bangunan. 

Cukup jelas rasanya mengenai fungsi dari tiap elemen struktur bangunan seperti yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Lalu persoalannya, apakah ada metode khusus yang harus diterapkan untuk konstruksi bangunan di atas lahan gambut ? Bagaimana kondisi kadar air tanah, kompresibilitas,dan permeabilitas tanah gambut dalam mempengaruhi keamanan pondasi ? Berangkat dari pertanyaan ini saya coba melakukan pemahaman yang lebih dalam lagi.

Pada umumnya, tanah gambut memiliki kadar air yang sangat tinggi, dan kompresibilitas/ kemampumampatan yang tinggi sehingga daya dukung tanahnya sangat rendah. Kandungan air pada tanah gambut bervariasi dan cukup ekstrim, mulai dari ratusan % (kering) sampai lebih dari 2000 % (jenuh air), karena derajat dekomposisi dan tipe lapisan gambut sangat mempengaruhi kandungan air. Semakin tinggi derajat dekomposisi nya maka semakin mengecil ruang di dalam partikel serat (void ratio) dan antar partikel serat serta struktur serat gambut akan rusak menjadi bentuk amorf. Semakin lambat derajat dekomposisi, kemungkinan proses ini akan terus berlangsung sehingga akan sulit mendapatkan hasil akhir proses dekomposisi. Proses dekomposisi pada tanah gambur ini memang masih terus dalam kajian dan penelitian sehingga penemuan terbaru masih sangat diharapkan. Jika mikroba yang aktif dalam proses dekomposisi ini dapat diketahui maka perkembangbiakannya dapat dihambat atau bahkan dihentikan sehingga bermanfaat untuk melakukan perbaikan mutu tanah selanjutnya.

Metode lain yang dapat dilakukan biasanya dengan melakukan stabilisasi tanah, dimana tanah dicampur dengan bahan stabilisasi seperti pasir dan semen, lalu dipadatkan semaksimal mungkin. Tapi kenyataannya dilapangan sangat sulit memadatkan lapisan gambut yang memiliki kadar air tinggi dan sangat lembek. Oleh sebab itu, alternatif lain yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan pre-loading dimana material tanah yang bagus (pasir) dimasukkan ke dalam lapisan endapan gambut sehingga membentuk kolom-kolom pasir. Pembuatan kolom-kolom pasir dilakukan dengan cara meletakkan lapisan pasir di muka tanah yang akan diperbaiki setebal 1 meter kemudian palu penumbuk seberat 15 ton dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 15 meter, kolom-kolom pasir tersebut dibuat pada jarak sekitar 8 meter.  

Atau bisa juga melakukan kombinasi diantara alternatif yang ada dengan cara mempercepat proses dekomposisi terlebih dahulu menggunakan serbuk atau cairan penumbuh dan penyubur mikroba (bioagent) seperti yang banyak dijual dipasaran seperti biostater dengan demikian proses konsolidasi telah berakhir yang diharapkan mengendap menjadi lapisan yang memiliki sifat geoteknik mendekati material lempung. Setelah proses dekomposisi berakhir baru dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan kolom-kolom pasir atau melakukan preloading.

Untuk saat ini sekian dulu.

sumber :

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

APP Sustainability Roadmap (video)

Based on my experience of visiting one of APP (Asian Pulp and Paper) subsidiary companies in Perawang, Riau, Indonesia, named IKPP (Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper). APP is one of the largest pulp and paper companies in the world and PT.IKPP Perawang as APP's largest pulp mill in Indonesia and China (wikipedia).  I'm interested to know more about this company, while I was browsing on youtube and I found these videos. The videos show us about some related programs of APP company  for the next couple years, as you can see below :
From the video above, we can take some points about APP goals in running the sustainability roadmap 2020, as follows:
1. Fiber Sourcing : 100 % verification and pulpwood legality, sustainable forest management, etc.
2. Emissions : reduce the impact of air emission and water effluent
3. Solid waste : reduce solid waste to landfill
4. Water management : improve management of water use
5. Reforestation : support the national target for reforesting degraded land
6. Conservation and Biodiversity : support the national target to preserve protected and conservation areas
7. Climate change : reduce carbon emissions in APP millsin line with the national target
8. Human rights : ensure that APP's and its suppliers' operations are in line with national and international standard of human rights
9. Employee welfare : provide a healthy and safe work environment for APP employees, maintain employee satisfaction
10. Community Empowerment and welfare : improve procedure for community engagement and conflict resolution in APP mills
11.Indigenous people :  adopt international guidelines for the protection of indigenous people's customary rights in the forest

After reading the points above, I have enough understanding about some future goals designed by this company. I think APP have some better steps to make it work, and I haven't known it before I get detail information about the roadmap. So, I can't explain more for this time.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Eidil Fitri is cooming soon

Well, this is my first post in Ramadhan 1433 H, the weather is so nice this morning with beautiful rain outside.. I'm sitting on my chair and my mom is still speaking with her friend by phone. Actually, it's hard to get a good internet connection in this city, so that's why I hadn't posted anything in this blog for a month.Then I use a modem to make this post while my sister is sleeping soundly, because this modem belongs to her. :)
It seems odd today because I can't sleep after my "sahur" (time for muslim to eat before fasting), but just forget it. I want to share about my days during this fasting month. There are some happy activities I have done here (In Dumai with 'm' not 'b'), such as helping my parents, reading books and newspaper, washing the car and motorcycle, traveling, photo hunting, culinary, etc. I can do them all because I have more spare time right now before I start to work one day, implement and develop my skills. 

I got a new experience to go to Perawang for the job test and interview, so I had to go to Pekanbaru first then I went to Perawang for about one hour more. I met my friends in Pekanbaru after the test, just like a reunion.. It had been glad to see them anyway before I went to Dumai again..

And you know, we are in the edge of fasting month, then we'll celebrate it and meet eidil fitri soon.. yeey !! I'm going to celebrate eidil fitri this year in this beautiful small town, Dumai !  One thing for sure, I love Dumai sky, and I took some photoes during my walk, here they are..

Okesip ! :)

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Learning about "Sustainable Development" associated with Environmental and Economic Issues

Dear people,
I have been trying to understand more about Sustainable Development Concept associated with environmental and economic issues. I look around, many things have been done without taking care about the future existence, from the little group of people until the big community or even company. I don't want to talk about the specific reason why they did it, because let's focus on the effects about what have been done so far, and what should be done to save the future. We can take the real examples to have a comprehensive understanding about this topic. I think it's gonna be a fascinating one to learn and a little confusing because I should learn it in a short time alone, but I have to 'cuz I wonder..
"So, what is sustainable development ?"
There are so many definitions and even interpretations of the meanings about sustainable development, but we can take the most common one so there wouldn't be a wrong interpretation about it. As Sugden (2003) states, sustainability has become one of the most over used and abused words in the development vocabulary. We can clearly understand that "sustainable" refers to something which can be sustained, or kept going. It can also be defined as resources use and lifestyle which do not damage resources or society (M-W 2010).   

But there are a lot of meanings of sustainable development, as follows : 
1. Based on Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our common future. The "Brundlant Report" (UN 1987), "sustainable development" is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs.

2. Based on WASH Technical Report no.94: The Sustainability of Donor-Assisted Rural Water Supply Projects. (Hodgkin 1994), "sustainability development" means the ability of a development project to maintain or expand a flow of benefits at a specified level for a long period after project inputs have ceased.

3. Based on Sustainability Science and Engineering : Emergence of a New Metadiscipline (Mihelcic et al.2003) , "sustainable development" is defined as the design of human and industrial systems to ensure that humankind's use of natural resources and cycles do not lead to diminished quality of life due either to losses in future economic opportunities or to adverse impacts on social conditions, human health, and the environment.

From the explanation about sustainable development above, we can conclude some points :
1. Meets the needs of the present
2. Meets the needs of all concerned
3. Continues to meet these needs for an extensive time period
4. Does not compromise the ability of current or future generations to meet their needs

What's next ?
After that, we can look at the common problems in almost developing countries due to resource use activities, such as : water pollution, air pollution, deforestation, flood, etc. 

(Water Pollution, source : globalenvironment.org.uk ; 

(Air Pollution, source : universetoday.com)

(Deforestation, source : climaticoanalysis.org ; rareconservation.org)

(smog, source : longislandpress.com ; ecofrengogreen.blogspot.com)

If you want to know more about air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, and smog, just click to the hyperlink. Furthermore, they can make a worse condition in a long term, as we know the pollutant can react with the others chemical substances and become a hazardous one. Green house effect, acid rain, global warming, and climate change are several kinds of bad impacts toward the universe which may lead to diminished quality of life for the human being. The pictures above are several examples we can take to make sure that this is really an important thing to know and motivate the people to care about this fact.

I know the issues are really inherent to the policies in every countries so it's not easy to make the sustainability development program run well. It is also important to know the role of "partnership" among governments, civil society, the private sector, and academia in shaping solutions for a sustainability transition. But before that, let we see the key factors to create sustainability from the table below.

Considering all sustainability factors listed above, if we want to create a sustainability in development program, we should care about the five key factors, like socio-cultural respects, community participation, political cohesion, economic sustainability, and environmental sustainability.  All factors are interconnected each other to make it worked, or we can say them as the interdependencies among social, economic and environmental goals. Socio-cultural respect includes social and cultural support, social cohesion. Community participation includes community commitment and acceptability, community control, policy implementation, community resilience and community empowerment. Political cohesion includes government commitment, stakeholder interest, political influences/pressure, strong lobby groups, and government policy. Economic sustainability includes economic and financial viability, reduced household vulnerability, increased capacity to cope with risk/shocks, resilience to economic shocks. Environmental sustainability must maintain a stable resource base, avoid overexploitation of renewable resources, preserve biodiversity, soil/water/air preservation and management, resilience to external environmental shocks. Resilience refers to a person's or community's ability to bounce back or recover after adversity or hard times and to be capable of building positively on lessons learned and experiences of these hardships. 

In several developing countries where poverty and adequate infrastructure are still the main problems to support economic activities, it is a little bit harder if we raise this issue to the surface. It's due to the lack of capable human resources, lack of financial background, and the other supporting tools. (But I think it is one of the challenges for developing countries to make it true..) 

Enabling factors in achieving sustainable development

After we know all listed factors, so the next step is enabling all factors in achieving sustainable development.
There are several steps to gain this goal (Adapted from McConville, 2006), as follows :
1. Needs Assessment
Determine demand and gather background information. Generally initiated with request for intervention and ended with  decision to proceed or abroad.

2. Conceptual designs and feasibility study
Alternative plans and technologies developed and assessed. May begin with brainstorming session for solutions across range of improvements and end with design selection.

3. Design and action planning
Design finalized, including schematics and budget, and action plan developed.

4. Implementation
Includes pre-construction, pilot construction, construction, training, and education.

5. Operation and Maintenance
Includes use, management, upkeep, continued training and education, monitoring and evaluation, and expansion.
(Cyclical life-cycle stages)
Adapted from McConvile and Mihelcic

Then, we can use these steps as the tool to achieve sustainable development which is so valuable for the next generation. Achievement occurs in projects with objectives linked to existing national policies and programs, government strategies geared toward poverty reduction and supportive of participatory design, and activities mainstreamed into existing agencies. We also have to remember about some external factors which can compromise the project implementation, such as external policies, foreign political pressure, and so on. In this case, we have to undertake each step with good consideration and plan. One thing we shouldn't forget, the attempts to create sustainability is an ongoing process, so the problems will never stop facing us with the time flies by. We must always prepare for the worst condition and make some new strategic plan to recover the new adversities. I am here just trying to understand about the whole concept and share it as I can, so it would be great if you can give some comments after you read this.

The Importance of Infrastructure

One thing we can't forget in every development programs is infrastructure. Building more infrastructure will give a stimulation for some rural areas to develop and grow faster. It will improve the competitiveness in many sectors including economic activities. As stated before, sustainable development means the ability of a development project must meet the present needs without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their needs. The most common problems in developing countries is to meet the present needs with limited infrastructure. More infrastructure are built, more forest are cut down to enlarge the area for people activities, such as road construction, residential/housing, bridge, highway, high rise building, etc. As the matter of it, there will be more energy and efforts to handle the development project in achieving the sustainability among social, economic and environmental goals. In other words, infrastructure improvement must create synergies with other project components.

I think it's enough for this moment, and I'm still learning to educate myself, I hope you can get something to learn..

Rachmadony Batubara